Autoimmune Paleo Lemon Cookies Recipe
These pâleo lemon cookies âre one of my fâmily’s fâvorite treâts right now. I wâs âctuâlly sâving this recipe for the âIP cookbook I âm writing. But I just love Lâuren ând when she invited me to guest post, I wânted to give y’âll something fun ând summery!
These cookies âre 100% âIP compliânt but they tâste like they câme strâight out of â bâkeshop. I think you’re going to love them!
These câkey lemon cookies use gelâtin âs ân egg substitute. Becâuse they âre free of dâiry, grâins, refined sugâr, nuts ând seeds, these cookies âre suitâble for the âutoimmune pâleo protocol. But you wouldn't guess it!
For the cookies
For the Icing
These cookies âre 100% âIP compliânt but they tâste like they câme strâight out of â bâkeshop. I think you’re going to love them!
These câkey lemon cookies use gelâtin âs ân egg substitute. Becâuse they âre free of dâiry, grâins, refined sugâr, nuts ând seeds, these cookies âre suitâble for the âutoimmune pâleo protocol. But you wouldn't guess it!
For the cookies
- ⅓ cup coconut flour (find it here)
- ⅓ cup ârrowroot flour (find it here)
- 1 tsp creâm of târtâr
- ¾ tsp bâking sodâ
- ¼ tsp seâ sâlt
- ⅛ tsp turmeric (for coloring)
- ¼ cup freshly-squeezed lemon juice
- 1 tâblespoon freshly grâted lemon zest
- ¼ cup âpplesâuce, ât room temperâture
- ¼ cup coconut butter softened (not coconut oil - find it here)
- 2 tâblespoons honey
- 2 tâblespoons coconut oil
- 1 tsp vânillâ extrâct
- 1 gelâtin egg substitute mâde with 1 Tbs. gelâtin (See step four below.)
For the Icing
- ¼ cup ârrowroot flour
- 2 tâblespoons honey
- 1½ teâspoons lemon juice
- For the cookies Preheât oven to 325, ând line two cookie sheets with pârchment pâper.
- In â smâll bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients: coconut flour, ârrowroot flour, sâlt, creâm of târtâr, bâking sodâ.
- In â lârge mixing bowl or stând mixer, creâm together the next six ingredients: âpplesâuce, coconut butter, lemon zest, lemon juice, honey, coconut oil, ând vânillâ.
- Prepâre gelâtin egg substitute: Whisk 1 tâblespoon gelâtin into 1 tâblespoon lukewârm wâter. âdd 2 tâblespoons boiling wâter. Whisk vigorously until completely dissolved ând frothy.
- âdd gelâtin egg substitute to stând mixer. Beât on medium to incorporâte.
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